(A Good Day Risin' Album, Alphabetical Listing)

A Good Day Risin’
In our house on the street… in our dusty little town
Grandpa, he took me on his knee
He said ‘son in this life, they’ll be good times and some bad’
I’ve always let the good ones carry me.
2. This was his advice … always looking for the light
Keeping careful watch upon the heart
I’ve summoned it before …. when trouble’s at the door
Every time the world was turning dark.
3. Looks like the sun is shining down on me
Looks like the storm has up and gone
The road ahead is clear. No obstacles I see
As I go along my way, no big surprises.
Looks like a good day’s a risin’.
4. In our house on the street … lost in the city lights
Seems like there’s good times and some bad
Depends on what you see ….things that you believe
I remember Grandpa’s talk and what he said.
Another Wine
There she sits beside a window
Watching traffic rushing by
All seems fine in Sarah’s world
She takes another sip of wine.
2. She wonders how she ever got here
A business darling, always in charge
“Bitcoin Angel”. Queen of money
Deep inside, she’s falling hard
CHO College friends called her superstar
“A” She’d flash that smile, break another heart
You can’t rewind a broken past
So now this bottle’s… the only friend she has.
3. She lets her mind, begin to wander
To those days running with her crowd
She ignored them. Then she lost them
She was climbing, let them down.
4. “Life is Good” - her new best-seller
So why this ache? Is it a passing trend?
Thousands love her, get rich off her
You can’t make up… for abandoned friends
CHO College friends called her superstar
“B” Now suddenly she’s come apart
No relief in sight, so she’s now inclined
To settle for … another sip of wine
Dixie, I Call It Home
1. If God picked up a painter’s brush
And looked down from on high,
When He found the perfect canvass down below.
It would be just like a Georgia night,
Awash in starlit fields,
Beneath a silver moon, movin’ slow.
CHO You can feel it in the cotton-fields, in the cities and the towns.
And by the clear blue streams, where cool water rushes down.
That feel is so familiar, no matter where you go.
Some folks call it Dixie, I call it home
2. As a young man, my aim was high
I’d make my dreams come true
Southern pride the quiver for my bow.
Outlasting kings, and wars, it lives
In every Southern soul
The same pride years ago, grand-daddy had known.
BREAK These are the things, that always comfort me.
Something way inside, something you can’t see.
There’s a picture that’s taped
To the old rec-room wall
It’s spirit betrayed
Looking lifeless and dull.
2 It shows all my friends
In the yard having fun
Trading in mischief
Big smiles, every-one.
CHO Where would I be without friends I have known?
Through good times and bad. When winds sometimes blow.
Wouldn’t be the man I turned out to be.
How lucky I’ve been with my friends beside me
3 A picture can’t show
What a true friend can be
A drink at the bar
Warm words when in need
4 They high-five my victories
Scold when I’m wrong
Over the years
Like glue hardens the bond.
5 Sometimes I’ll straighten
That pictures bent sides
The image reminds me
How much that it hides.
1 I was never one to follow sports of any kind
Always too busy, just never found the time
But when the local baseball team fought and won it all
My friends were standing 8 foot tall
CHO They came to work all happy, went full-silly at the bar
Glorious in blue, those jerseys that they wore
Business suits were gone, flags were flying from their cars
I wanna be full-silly, too.
2 The new season came, I was ready for the ride
Bought myself that jersey, to all my friend’s surprise
There we were in double-blue, seemed a million strong
Cheering our boys of summer on
3 A few weeks in, the team was oh and ten.
The champs would get to winning. Didn’t know just when
Half the jerseys disappeared, but faithful I would be
Get them on a winning streak.
4 The losing kept on coming, more jerseys were retired
Pretty soon no one wore that ugly blue attire
So onto Craiglist mine did go, the ending of my tale.
Jersey hardly worn, now for sale.
Just the Raven’s Know
The townsfolk still can hear her cries
North of Winnipeg, many hundred miles
A young life taken, many years ago.
Near a graveyard where … just the Raven’s go.
2. In between boys and teddy bears
Just fifteen, and a life ahead
A party ends. It was time to go.
What evil struck. Just the Raven’s know.
3. The killer left a bunch of clues
Someone knows something but they won’t say who
A young girl’s grievance just grows and grows
Til the truth is told … just the Raven’s know.
4. The cops, they called on every man
Searching for Satan, and a strange white van
It’s tracks long gone in October snow
Who did this … just the Raven’s know.
Make it Monday
There’s been some talk, folks writing songs
Monday’s? Manic. Don’t belong
The other workdays are somehow fine
Easy on the daily grind.
2 But I like Monday’s, tell you why
Full of promise, where mysteries lie
Like Friday’s too, don’t get me wrong
But Mondays … that’s where dreams belong.
Make it Monday …
Heading in right now to earn my pay
Monday’s. Only day the boss is late
And Monday’s when that new girl drops by
And takes my breath away.
3 Some will say they like the end
Money earned. Money spent.
Nor me, no sir. Prefer the ride
No beginning, and the journey slides.
Make it Monday …
Early in the morning, coffees poured
Monday’s. When everything seems new again
And Monday’s with water cooler told you so’s
For games the day before
4 There it is, I’ve said my piece
Brand new start. Brand new week.
Sam Buck
Samuel Buck woke up in an ice-cold sweat.
Sleepy eyes snapped open, as he got dressed.
He used to have the world in tow,
… but how to pay back all he owed.
Sam Buck just didn’t know.
2. His day began like all the rest
Luck was due, he’d gamble his last cent.
Today his ship would sail on in
He picked a horse named ”Money’s Thin’
Sam Buck needed one big win.
3. For two long years, Sam had losing picks
Now he owed some mobsters really big.
Around the town, they were known
Easy money, but then you owed them.
Sam Buck’s burden, gangster’s gold.
4. The race track was muddy that fateful day
“Money’s Thin” lost big. Sam sulked away
A gang of tough’s in a big red van
Jumped him when he turned and ran
Sam D. Buck: Disappeared man.
5. Some say he hid, then ran away.
To others, an old landfill was his fate.
Never heard or seen again
By his family or his friends
As if Sam Buck had never been.
6. The urban legend would grow and grow
Was Sam alive? Was he a ghost?
The answer remains unclear
Though townsfolk claim he does appear
None can tell you when or where.
Then, There Were None
The 63 left Coleman station
Crowsnest Pass a mile ahead
Chugging through the mountain bushes
The cabin baked in the August sweat
2 A one-eyed man stood up and threatened
All on board -they sank in fear
He was brandishing his weapon
Two more robbers soon appeared.
3 They filled their bags with money
When done their vile deed
Disappeared into the mountains
4 The bandits ran away, and scattered
One went south, two stayed in place
Bellevue town became their refuge
The Mounties took the chase.
5 When cops saw two men dining
At the town café
Shots were fired, one thief lay dying
But the other got away
6 That vermin ran into the twilight
Layin’ low. But it wasn’t long
He was captured, and convicted
At the gallows he was hung.
With two in the ground
The search went on. And then there was one
7 He headed to the border
Making his escape
Til he pawned some stolen treasure
He was spotted, lawmen came
8 Its a hundred years and counting
Train 63 was overrun
Two crooks dead, one sent to prison
And then there were none.
A younger man, well he pays no mind
To the silent march of time.
Driven by … a fire that burns
To chase his grand design.
2. His future is an unwritten book
With dreams just youth can boast
Along the way … somewhere time became
Distant, unseen, remote
CHO Oh, good time. My stubborn friend
A childhood treasure, an old man’s soft lament.
3. Once the years have come and gone
And scars have slowed his strut
He knows his time’s … just like precious pearls
His curse, there’s not enough.
BR: Early in the morning,
A hundred whispered oaths
Then evenings left to wonder
Where did you go?
4. And when that man’s old and walking slow
With lessons won through time
His grip still tight, though his body’s bent
His eyes still opened wide
Walkin’ On
The car’s all ready for the morning run
I’m sitting back, at ease with what I’ve done
Soon I walk away from what I’ve known
A feeling I had once before … when I was young
2. Lately things been stirring in my mind
But it’s not like what those words might first imply
Just there are times when a jump is right
A bird is not a bird til it can fly.
CHO So far I’ve toed the line, but here’s the thing
Sometimes a chapter’s had its run
Hard to say what … tomorrow will bring
All I know is I’ll be … walkin’ on.
3. Never saw the handwriting on the wall
Truth is, there was no plan at all
More like a beacon’s distant light
Shining on my destiny … as I recall.
4. The hourglass cup, it fills with sand
Then when it flips. It fills again
I’ll start my way ahead, one tiny step
Without a backward glance or regret.
You Were Home to Me
Now that the all the haze and dust has settled.
And you’ve reached your destination,
Arriving at one final stop.
Now that all the heartache and the tears have dried
And time has dulled the sadness,
Wounds and cuts.
Nothing lasts forever, so they say
And yet I feel your love inside, unbroken…
Every day
CHO You saw my best part
Nonstop …. devotion, and a warm heart
Through the years,
You were Home to me.
A young boy growing
Had refuge. When winds were blowing.
Through thick and thin
You were home to me.
2. I remember when you’d take us to the water.
And a drive in Dad’s old Chevy
To a place we’d not … been before.
Dreams like that-you had your share, all right!
Adventures leading somewhere, roads were dark,
You were the light.
It’s funny. When I look down at my phone
Waiting for your call and yet I know ….